New Scholarship Reward

We would like to take this opportunity to reward a $500 scholarship for outstanding academic achievement in science, mathematics, computer science, or engineering are eligible.

Scholarship Topic

Please write a 500-1000 word essay on how you’ve personally used your knowledge in computer science, mathematics, science, or engineering to help you overcome a personal challenge, either on or off campus.


Participants must meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled at an accredited college, or university in the U.S.
  • Enrolled at the undergraduate level
  • Aged sixteen (18) years or older
  • Carry a status of “good standing” (i.e. currently enrolled)
  • Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 (or equivalent)
  • You must submit your achievement by  August 31, 2016

Please note:

  • There is no formal printed application from Leaders of Law, all necessary information is on this page
  • You must be seeking a major in science, mathematics, computer science, or engineering
  • We only accept emails. Please do not mail, fax, or call
  • Please send your application via traditional email;
  • No need to print this page; just send your written response and contact information
  • Do not send any CD ROMs, letters of recommendation, tax returns, bank balances, resumes or CVs
  • Please keep a digital copy in Word or Google Docs. We’ll need a copy to put up on our site.
  • This scholarship is a one time scholarship for 2016

Your application should include:

  • First & last name, email address & phone number printed at the top or back of each page
  • Statement or transcript of your Grade Point Average (GPA) – unofficial transcripts accepted
  • Email your Essay to:







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